Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 15: Next 3 Items on "The Bucket List"

For my sister, this question is easy. She has a literal bucket list she actively visits and edits. Whenever she talks about hers I get slightly motivated to start my own but I never get to the step of actually writing anything down on paper. A few things that I do want to conquer in the near future are...

1. Finally get my passport and go on a real out-of-the-country-big-girl trip. With some huge boyfriend convincing, hopefully Bolivia.

2. Kirst and I share this one, but I want to speak Spanish semi-fluently too. Nothing is more embarrassing as when I had to ask for someone that spoke English when I went to a 'tienda' by my house the other day.

3. Finish college.

1 comment:

LuCinda said...

I love your bucket list!