Sunday, November 2, 2008

Aggie Pride

With the basketball opener this Friday and the Hawaii football team visiting on Saturday, there was a lot of school spirit to let out. I almost forgot how wild and crazy the spectrum can get during these matchups and how fun they are. Just adding more victories to our tally.And another to the football team! My parents took me and Grandma and Grandpa to the game yesterday. It was so much fun to see all their hardwork pay off in a victory against the #14 ranked University of Hawaii. Go Aggies!


Erin Davis said...

You have tons of new posts! We miss you!

victoria said...

what the crap courte?! when did all this happen? i swear i check regularly! i'm glad i feel a part of your life again.

LuCinda said...

My favorite part of the game is seeing you with your g'ma and g'pa. I am so glad that you have the relationship you have with your grandparents. I love it. It makes me so happy. The only scary part is when grandma decided to take off by herself (like she is a grown up) and then we lost her. That part was not fun.:(